I have put together this photo tutorial so you can see how to sew my Hobby Horse Sewing Pattern ~> scroll down for step-by-step photos!
I have made this photo tutorial so people who have purchased the pattern can SEE how to sew my Hobby Horse! (I wanted to explain this so you are not disappointed if you have found this page via a search engine and not from the link in my Hobby Horse toy sewing pattern!)
Choose some fabric to sew a Hobby Horse!
Pre-washed and ironed 100% cotton fabric, and fibre fill toy stuffing is recommended for making this hobby horse.
OK, Let’s start with the muzzle!
Pin and sew one of the MUZZLE PIECES to the MUZZLE GUSSET PIECE from A – B.
Sew the second MUZZLE PIECE to the MUZZLE GUSSET PIECE from A – B on the other side.
Clip the seams well and turn the MUZZLE PIECES right sides out and put it aside.
Trace the eye position onto the right side of the fabric of the HEAD PIECES.
Cut out 2 EYE PIECES from felt. Pin and sew them in place on the HEAD PIECES by hand or machine.
Sew the HEAD GUSSET PIECE to one of the HEAD PIECES from C – D.
TIP: It is important that you stitch ONLY as far as point D, and not to the edge of the HEAD GUSSET PIECE. This is so that your stitching lines will meet up when you sew the other HEAD PIECE in place.
Sew the HEAD GUSSET PIECE to the second HEAD PIECE from C – D on the other side.
This is what your pieces should look like now – (TURN THEM OVER for the next step!)
Sew the CHIN GUSSET PIECE to one of the HEAD PIECES from F – G, then sew the CHIN GUSSET PIECE to the second HEAD PIECE from F – G on the other side. (I forgot to take a picture of this side, luckily it’s the same as the first side!)
Sew the MUZZLE to the HEAD:
Place the MUZZLE PIECES ‘inside’ the HEAD PIECES, with fabric rights sides together.
Pin and sew the raw edges together matching points H and J on the GUSSET PIECES. (Point A and B on the MUZZLE GUSSET will match up with C and F on the HEAD PIECES.)
Sew the HEAD PIECES closed along the top, to the back at E.
If you are using safety eyes cut a cross at the centre of each felt EYE PIECE, cutting through the fabric of the HEAD PIECES. Insert the craft eyes through the felt and fabric.
TIP: If you don’t have large craft eyes you can use the PUPIL PIECE provided to cut a black felt pupil instead. Sew the felt pupil on by hand or machine.
STEP 11a
Pin one main and one patterned-fabric EAR PIECE together with the fabric right sides together, on a rectangle of batting.
Sew the EAR PIECES together leaving the bottom edge open for turning. Trim the seams to abut 3mm(1/8inch).
STEP 11b
Turn the EAR PIECES right sides out and use a chopstick to turn the seam smoothly. *** Do not stuff the EARS!*** Fold the sides of the ear to the middle along the fold line marking and baste/tack them in this position so they don’t slip when you sew them in place.
Pin the ears to the HEAD PIECES using the pattern markings to guide you.
TIP: Make sure you match up the dot pattern markings so the ears are the right way round! Set the head aside.
Cut your ribbon for the BRIDLE and gather your notions – ribbons, felt, buttons, bells etc!
…I love this part!!! 😀
Fold the long piece of BRIDLE RIBBON in half (if it has a right and wrong side fold it right sides together) and pin the folded edge to one of the BODY PIECES as shown in the pattern markings. Pin and sew the BODY PIECES closed along the back from E – K.
Sew the BODY GUSSET PIECE to the BODY PIECES from G – M on one side only. Neaten the seam with a zig-zag stitch.
STEP 16a
Fold the HEAD BAND in half lengthwise with the fabric right sides OUT. Pin the HEAD BAND to the bottom raw edges of the BODY PIECES and BODY GUSSET PIECE. Snip off any extra (see the photo below) and sew it in place. Neaten the seam with a zig-zag stitch.
STEP 16b
Press the HEAD BAND downwards and top stitch the seam allowance of the HEAD BAND to the BODY PIECES.
STEP 17a
Sew the BODY GUSSET PIECE to the second BODY PIECE from G – M on the other side and sew the HEAD BAND together at the side too. Neaten the seam with a zig-zag stitch.
STEP 17b
Topstitch the seam allowance of the HEAD BAND down to finish it nicely.
Place the HEAD PIECES ‘inside’ the BODY PIECES, with fabric rights sides together and pin the raw edges together, at the neck seam, matching points E, G and N. Sew the seam then neaten the raw edges with a zig-zag stitch.
Cut a circle from sturdy fabric like calico (muslin), about 25cm (10 inches) in diameter, for covering the top of the dowel. Thread a needle with heavy-duty thread (upholstery thread), knot this very securely at one end, and with a large running stitch, tack (baste) all the way around the fabric circle. Leave a long tail with your needle still on the end.
Pull the thread to form a cup and stuff this firmly with toy stuffing.
Drill a hole (approximately 3mm/ 1/8th inch in diameter) right through the dowel about 7cm (21/2 inches) from the top.
Turn the dowel 90 degrees and drill another hole right through the dowel which should cross the first hole (It doesn’t matter if it doesn’t as long as it goes right through the dowel).Place the top of the dowel inside the calico (muslin) cup and pull your thread tightly. Secure the fabric to the dowel by passing the needle and thread through the holes, sewing back and forth, catching some of the fabric gathers with the needle each time and pulling tightly to gather the fabric. Repeat until the fabric is gathered into a tight ball shape and finish off with a knot.
Stuff Harper’s muzzle and head area firmly with toy stuffing.
Insert the covered end of the dowel into the head, nestling it into the stuffing. Stuff the rest of the head and neck around the end of the dowel very well to avoid lumps or bumps. Make sure that the dowel is in the centre of the neck, in the middle of the stuffing.
Securely knot a long piece of upholstery thread and sew a large running stitch all the way around the HEAD and HEAD GUSSET PIECES along the gathering line coming out of the fabric on the right side (outside the head) with the last stitch.
Pull the thread to start gathering the base of the horse’s head. Add some more stuffing to fill out the base of the head/neck area then pull the thread tightly to gather the fabric around the dowel. Wrap the thread around the gathered fabric and dowel 3 times then secure it with a knot.
Drill another set of holes just below the gathered fabric like you did for the dowel cover. (You need to determine where to drill the holes once you have ‘mounted’ the stuffed head on the stick as everyone uses different fabrics and stuffs differently, this may be in a different place for everyone!)
Pass the needle back through the fabric and secure the fabric to the dowel stick by sewing back and forth through the holes in the dowel. I like to make sure that the head is very secure, so I repeat this step with a second piece of thread.
TIP: You can cover the thread by wrapping some ribbon over it you think the thread looks ugly!
STEP 26a
Wrap the second piece of BRIDLE RIBBON around the horse’s muzzle so it covers the seam between the muzzle and the head and pin/baste it in position.
STEP 26b
Pin the ends of the first piece of BRIDLE RIBBON (that was sewn into the seam of the BODY PIECES) to the BRIDLE RIBBON at the muzzle seam.
Cut a third piece of BRIDLE RIBBON and pin it in place so it lies just in front of the ears and covers the seam between the HEAD and BODY PIECES. Pin the ends of it to the second piece of BRIDLE RIBBON. (Use the photo of the finished hobby horse to guide you.)
STEP 26c
For the reins I used some pretty cord but you can use ribbon, rope or fabric for the reins. I sewed some calico(muslin) fabric around the ends of the cord to stop it unraveling! Sew the ends of the cord to the bridle at the muzzle seam with heavy duty thread making sure you sew through the bridle ribbon and the fabric underneath to make sure the reins are attached securely.
TIP: For extra strength use a dolls needle and sew RIGHT THROUGH THE HEAD when you sew the reins to the head.
STEP 26d
You can decorate the bridle with all sorts of findings such as felt pieces, buttons, bells, or whatever takes your fancy!
STEP 27a
Cut a piece of cardboard 10cm wide (4inches). Hold the end of the yarn against the cardboard and wrap the yarn around the cardboard 6 times.
STEP 27b
Cut the end of the yarn, slip the yarn off the card on one side and snip through all 6 loops.
STEP 27c
Keep holding the bundle of 6 strands in the middle and place them on the horses head at the top of the HEAD GUSSET PIECE at D.
Sew the centre of the yarn bundle to the head, sew around the bundle 3 times, pulling tightly each time. Sew the next bundle ‘behind’ the first and continue backwards towards the ears.
STEP 27d
Add bundles until you get to Q. There is no need to put yarn bundles over the bridle ribbon.
TIP: There are so many types of wool to choose from these days. If you are using thinner wool, wrap the yarn a few more times around the cardboard for each bundle (and less times if you are using a very chunky yarn). You can always add more bundles on top of your first row if you feel it needs more.
Cut out 2 EYEBROW PIECES from felt. Pin them in place above the EYE PIECES so they slightly cover the top of the craft eyes/black pupil. Use the photo to guide you. When you are happy with their positioning glue them in place.
Cover the stick and add a DOORSTOP or CASTOR:
Measure the length of exposed dowel stick. Cut a piece of patterned fabric this length and 25cm (10inches) wide.
* If you want to add wheels, leave about 5cm (2 inches) of dowel uncovered at the bottom so you can thread the wheels.
Press the piece of fabric in half lengthwise with the right sides out. Glue the longest raw edges of the fabric to the dowel along its length. Allow the glue to dry then wrap the fabric tightly around the dowel and pin the folded edge down, so the fabric is wrapped nice and tightly around the dowel stick.
Hand-sew the folded edge of the fabric in place. Drill a hole into the bottom of the dowel and screw in a rubber door-stop or a castor.
Cover the fabric at the bottom of the dowel with a piece of bridle ribbon.
ADDING WHEELS – it’s not that difficult!
Get some cute wheels and matching nut and bolt from the hardware store. Make a mark about 1 inch (2.5cm) from the end of the wooden dowel and drill a hole, big enough for the bolt to fit through, at the marked spot. Thread a washer onto your bolt and then one wheel. Follow this with another washer then push it through the dowel. Thread another washer, the other wheel and another washer and then screw on the nut.
TIP: Wheels can be bulky and heavy so I think a doorstop is easier to handle – especially for younger children.
Your Hobby Horse
is ready to LOVE!!!!
Come join the fun on Facebook!
I LOVE to see how your Funky Friends toys turn out!
When you’ve made your own Hobby Horses you can come show them off ~>
Post a photo on my Funky Friends Factory Facebook page for me to see and YOU could win a FREE PATTERN!
Till next time,
Happy Sewing,