I was only going to tell my newsletter subscribers about this HUGE, BIG, exciting project that I am working on because I was a little nervous about how it was going to be received. My newsletter subscribers are my biggest fans – they’re always keen to hear from me, they love it when I release a new pattern and I think they generally (genuinely?) love what I do. So THEY would be the most forgiving audience, which is very important when you’re trying
for the first time!!!
It seems… they are LOVING the LIVE CALLS… and I am having such fun!
So I want to let you know – there’s still time for yout come join us! As a grand kick-off celebration for the Sew Many Funky Friends Club… I’ll tell you more about that later, I’m hosting a
FREE online
The sew-along centred around my easy monster sewing pattern – The Mix & Match Monsters pattern. It’s a quick, SIMPLE toy sewing pattern so you can ALL come and sew with me! AND guess what – if you come and join in for the MONSTER SEW-ALONG you will get the pattern for free!

On the next LIVE CALL I am going to be doing a MONSTER Pattern-Hacks session and we’ll be enlarging the pattern the monster pattern by 225% to make a monster-cushion,
or is that a
It’s on NOW, the last week of Jan 2018!
. .
Bye for now
When did the Monster Sew Along start? I just found the blog and am interested. I did fill out the form.
Hi Jane! You must have misread the post ~> it was LAST year (2018)… but you can sign up here for my newsletter so you will be notified when we open the sew-along again – https://sewmanyfunkyfriendsclub.com/join-the-club/