I thought I would share some customer feedback photos from our Pattern Group – of LOVELY Valentine’s toys – that I LOVE!!! 💘
First up, one of the most popular Valentines pattern is the Love Monster pattern. This sweet Valentine’s Monster was sewn by Linda Grace Bradley… with a cute Valentine’s message embroidered on the heart template!
Click HERE to purchase the Love Monsters pattern.
You don’t have to use a Valentine’s Day pattern to make a Valentine’s Day toy…
You can use ANY Funky Friends Factory Toy Pattern – just sew it up in Valentine’s fabric, or a mix of plain red, white, or pink… works great! This pretty pair of pink Ben the BEGINNER Bear sewn by Annette Van Horn.
Click HERE to buy the BEGINNER Bear pattern.
Joy Davies sewed a sweet Valentine’s dog toy using the Puppy Dog Pete pattern.
Click HERE to buy the Puppy Dog pattern.
Tilly Tortoise sewn by Barbara Ann McCollum Rogers is sewn with Minnie Valentine’s fabric!
Click HERE to buy the Tortoise pattern.
This cute Ben the BEGINNER Bear was sewn in heart fleece fabric by Nancy Jahnkow-Goodman.
Click HERE to buy the BEGINNER Bear pattern.
Nancy Jahnkow-Goodman also sewed an Oscar Otter for Valentine’s this year!
Click HERE to purchase the Otter pattern.
Calico Bear Pattern sewn with pretty pink heart fabric by Bev Mizen.
Click HERE to purchase the Calico Bear pattern.
Don’t worry if you don’t have any Valentine’s fabric!
ALL you need to do is
add a heart!!! 💘
Ben the BEGINNER Bear sewn for Valentine’s Day, this time by Stephanie Wells – for her granddaughter! Ben looks ADORABLE with a simple bow and applique heart! I’m sure Stephanie’s granddaughter LOVES her Valentine’s gift!
Click HERE to buy the BEGINNER Bear pattern.
Honey Teddy pattern sewn by Susana Gould ~>>>
Want to sew this
FREE easy teddy bear pattern?Honey Teddy Bear is a free pattern that I give to my newsletter subscribers as a thank you gift. If you haven’t got the pattern already – scroll down to the bottom of the page and sign up for my newsletter.
And last BUT not least…
This cute pair of Kip the Keepsake Dog was sewn by Nimmi Nair.
Click HERE to buy the Keepsake Dog Pattern
Thanks to everyone who posted a Valentine’s pic ~> I LOVE them ALL!💘
bye for now,
I have loved using your patterns but most of all I look forward to your posts. It is almost like opening a gift just to read and see what others have created. Keep up the good work. From Southern California.
Thanks Suzy.. it’s always a treat for me too! 😍
I voted for a Bison, my daughters favorite. You always have a way of making people smile. I love all of your animals. I’d also like so say I’m sorry for the grief others have caused you. Such losers. You make my heart sing when I get your mail. Many hugs!!
Hi Karen, thanks for your kind comments.🥰 I’m excited to see what comes out tops in the suggestions. A bison is a cute idea! I do have a sloth pattern already – Slowpoke the Sloth! You can check it out here – https://www.funkyfriendsfactory.com/sloth-sewing-pattern
Hi, I’m new to using your patterns have really enjoyed making them so easy to follow. Thank you
Thank you for the lovely feedback Bev!🥰