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Christmas Elf Sewing Pattern tutorial

I have made this photo tutorial so you can see how to sew my Elf Sewing Pattern ~> scroll down for step-by-step photos!

The FULL PATTERN IS NOT included here.
It is

I have made this photo tutorial so people who have purchased my Christmas Elf sewing pattern can SEE how to sew this doll. (I wanted to explain this so you are not disappointed if you have found this page via a search engine and not from the link in my Edward & Edwina Elf Twins sewing pattern!)


Right, let’s sew a Christmas Elf!


Cut out all the fabric pieces for your elf. You can choose fun Christmas printed fabric – you don’t have to stick with solid red and green fabrics! Use felt for the HAIR PIECES, COLLAR and ANKLE CUFFS, as well as for the CHEEK PIECES.


Trace the pattern markings for the face onto the right side of the FRONT PIECE with a pencil or fabric pen.

trace elf face


Pin and sew the FRONT HAIR PIECE to the FACE PIECE, using the pattern markings to guide you.

pin felt

TIP: Try to use a thread that matches the hair colour!


Cut the CHEEK PIECES from dark pink/red felt and pin and sew these on now.  Pull the threads to the back and tie them
to make sure they don’t unravel later!

doll face-sew felt cheeks

TIP: I sewed the cheeks on with my sewing machine but the pieces are quite small so it may be easier to sew them on by hand. I think hand stitching the cheeks looks quite funky! You can see what it looks like in the photo in the next step (STEP 5).


If you are using CRAFT EYES, insert these now. If you are embroidering the eyes you will do it later, along with the nose and mouth, after the head is stuffed! (The images for this are in step 22a below.)

doll face photo tutorial

TIP: I have a tutorial to show you how to insert craft eyes on my blog.



Sew the FACE PIECE to the TUMMY PIECE from A – B. Finger press or iron the seam allowance to the side of the TUMMY PIECE.

sew doll face to body




I like to sew a line of top-stitching just below this seam to hold this down so you don’t see the tummy fabric showing through the face fabric.

top stitching neck seam


Sew the HEAD PIECES to the BACK PIECES, in pairs from B – C. Finger press or iron the seam allowances towards the side of the BACK PIECES. Again, I like to sew a line of top-stitching to hold this down.

sew dolls head to body


Sew the HEAD PIECES together, with right sides together, from F at the top of the HEAD PIECES to C and finger press this seam open. Pin the BACK HAIR PIECE to the HEAD PIECES so it won’t slip as you sew, and sew it in position using the pattern markings to guide you. (Again, use a thread to match the hair colour!)

sew doll head



Sew the EAR PIECES in pairs. Remember to sew on the traced sewing line, leaving the straight edge open for turning. Cut out the EAR PIECES with a seam allowance of about 3mm or 1/8inch around the sewing line, don’t add extra seam allowance to the straight edge or the ears will be too long!!!! Turn the EAR PIECES right sides out.

sew dolls ears

TIP: The EARS are small and can be hard to turn. I have a blog post to show you how to turn small softie pieces.

How to turn small soft toy pieces

STEP 10a

Pin the ears to the FACE PIECES, using the pattern markings to guide you.

Pin dolls ears to face



STEP 10b

For the girl elf pin the PIGTAIL PIECES to the FACE PIECE now as well.

pin pigtails


STEP 11a

Sew each HAND PIECE to an ARM PIECE, matching the dot of the pattern markings.

elf doll hands



STEP 11b

Sew the HAND-ARM PIECES together in pairs leaving the straight edge at the top of the ARM PIECES open.

elf doll arms



STEP 11c

Clip the seams well especially around the thumb area, then turn the arms right sides out. Stuff the HAND area very firmly then stuff the rest of the ARMS, leaving the top ½ inch (1½ cm) empty and pin the ARMS closed at the top.

elf doll



STEP 11d

Pin and sew the arms to the TUMMY PIECE with the thumbs facing DOWN, using the pattern markings as a guide.

elf sewing arms

STEP 13a

Pin the HEAD & BACK PIECES on top of the FACE &TUMMY PIECES, right sides together with the ears and arms in between like a sandwich! Sew them together from P, around the head, to P on the other side, leaving the body open at the bottom.

sew back



STEP 13b

It may feel a bit cruel but push the ARMS up into the head of the Elf for the next bit!

push arms inside head



Sew the SHOE PIECES in pairs, from G – H.

* Don’t sew right around the SHOE PIECES now!



Pin and sew the pair of SHOE PIECES to a LEG PIECE, sewing from J – G – J.



STEP 16a

Fold and pin the SHOE & LEG PIECES with right sides together and sew them down the legs from K – J and, around the SHOE PIECES to H. Clip the seams really well as they are very curved and trim the seam to about 3mm(1/8 inch) at the pointy tip of each shoe.


STEP 16b

Turn the SHOES & LEGS right sides out and stuff the shoe area very firmly with toy stuffing, fill the legs up to about ½ inch/ 1½ cm below the ‘knee-sewing-line’ – use the pattern markings to guide you. To make the ‘knees’ you need to pin the LEG PIECES flat at the ‘knee-sewing-line’ so that the leg seam is at the back and then sew from the back to the front of the legs, a few times, along the ‘knee sewing-line’.

20.stuff leggs up to knee sewing line



STEP 16c

Fill the top part of the LEGS with toy stuffing and pin the LEGS closed at the top so that point K and L are pinned together at the centre.

TIP: The knee must look ‘very skinny (thin) from the front or you have pinned it wrong!


STEP 17a

Pin the legs to the TUMMY PIECE, using the pattern markings as a guide. The front of the legs at L must be touching the TUMMY PIECE. (The Elf’s pointy shoes will be up near his face!)

STEP 17b

Sew the legs to the TUMMY PIECE across the top of the legs making sure you catch all the layers in the seam.


Finishing the BODY:


Fold the legs down so they are hanging down below the TUMMY PIECE, in a ‘standing position’. Pull the arms back out of the head. Pin and sew the BACK PIECES together from M – N, leave the hands peeking out through the gap for stuffing on the BACK PIECES.

24.Sew the back pieces


Clip the seam well especially at the neck as this is very curved.

Did you clip the
neck seam?

I’m so excited to turn my elf I ALWAYS forget!😁

Turn the elf right sides out by pushing the arms and head out through the stuffing gap on the BACK PIECES.



STEP 20a

Tuck in the seam allowance at the bottom of the TUMMY and BACK PIECES and pin these pieces together, matching point N at the centre. Baste/tack the pieces together and remove the pins BEFORE using the sewing machine to sew it closed.


TIP: I like to use an elastic band to keep shoes out of the way as I sew this seam!




STEP 20b

Sew the body closed at the bottom, with a line of top-stitching across the bottom P – N – P.




Fill the head and neck very firmly with toy stuffing, then fill the rest of the body very firmly too.


STEP 22a

Sew the face with embroidery thread. Use black or brown for the eyes. You could also use black felt or buttons for the eyes.


STEP 22b

Embroider the mouth and nose with a light pink/brown embroidery thread.



Use a ladder stitch to close the opening on the elf’s back.




Cut the COLLAR and ANKLE CUFF PIECES from felt and hand sew this around the neck and the top of each shoe.



STEP 25a

Sew the HAT PIECES together leaving the curved edge open, and turn the hat right sides out. Fold, pin and sew a 5mm/¼inch hem along the curved edge of the HAT PIECES.




STEP 25b

Fold the point of the HAT down to the front and sew it in place, see the pattern marking. Add a little bell or pom-pom to decorate the hat. Pull the hat onto your Elf’s head so that the hair is just peeking out at the front and secure it with a few hand stitches at the sides if you do not want it to be removable.


STEP 26a

For the little Girl Elf’s SKIRT, cut a rectangle of Christmas fabric 10cm/4 inches x 75cm/30inches wide. Zig-zag right around the piece to stop it fraying. Fold, pin and sew an 8mm/1/3inch hem along one of the long sides and then on the 2 short sides. Fold, pin and sew a 12mm/1/2inch hem on the remaining long side. (This will be the ribbon casing.)




STEP 26b

Thread a 80cm/32inch long piece of 5mm/¼inch ribbon through the ribbon casing and pull this to gather the SKIRT to fit the elf’s body. Sew the ribbon to the fabric at each end of the casing to keep the SKIRT gathered. Tie the SKIRT just below the arms, nice and high so it looks cute! Simply tie the ribbon with a bow if you want a removable skirt or knot the ribbon and secure the SKIRT in place with a few stitches at the back, front and sides.




Your Christmas Elf is ready to LOVE!


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Till next time,

Happy Sewing,